Just a couple months ago I was taking maternity pictures for Mary and now baby Grace is here! She was born at the end of August and I was able to meet her on Labor Day just a week later. Big brother Ian gave her lots of kisses and even wanted to try using my camera to take some photos. Of course I also got to hold her for a few minutes at the end of the session :) Here are some of my favorites of 7 day old Grace and her family!
Baby Ozzy
Taylor reached out to me before Ozzy was even born to inquire about doing newborn photos at their home and I was thrilled to find out she and I have many mutual work friends in common and a very similar work history (in my day job as a social worker)! Little Ozzy was just two weeks old when I met him last weekend, but as a preemie he wasn’t even to his actual due date yet, and he slept though almost the whole session. He had us laughing with the way he kept returning his arms to the same position when we moved him and though we would’ve liked to see him open his eyes it was agreed that sleeping is better then crying for photos :) Taylor, Will and their two dogs were in love with this new addition to their family and I’m so glad that they let me capture these sweet moments in their house. Here are some of my favorites from their session.
Baby Sophie
This is the summer of babies and I love it! So many of my friends are having second (or third) kids and my sister in law gave birth to my first niece. Sophie was born at the end of June and after a week long stay in the NICU, I finally was able to meet her on the 4th of July when she was 10 days old. She was very tolerant of me sticking a camera in her face which is great because I anticipate this will be the first of many times I’m taking her pictures :) Here are some of my favorites from her photo shoot last week.
Baby Ivan
I’m lucky enough to live just a mile from this family and get to spend time with them often (especially during the last year of COVID). I was so excited to meet their latest addition, baby Ivan and see how Olive was adjusting to being a big sister! He was just 11 days old and wide awake during the photo shoot (despite all attempts to get him to sleep), but we managed to get some great pictures anyway. Here are some of my favorites!