Brumels- McNally Family 2024

A year ago I met up with Elissa and her kids for a photo session and it was high energy with one kid coloring his hands with a red marker in the car and another loosing a shoe walking through the brush! This year, they still had energy but were much more willing to participate in photos, and the boys even came up with ideas on their own. Here are some of my favorites from last weekend at the Grand Ravines!

Budrick Family 2024

I first took photos of the Budrick family when their girls were in elementary school and now they are a freshman and senior in college which is hard to believe! Last fall I met Hailee’s boyfriend Reed when I took their senior photos so it was fun seeing the two of them still together and the way he was included with the whole Budrick family. We had beautiful fall weather and peak colors for a morning walk around their home and nearby woods documenting some of the families favorite places before selling the house and moving. Here are a few of my favorites from the session.

Voorheis family 2023

At the end of “sunflower season” I discovered a great field near my house at Bremer Produce (which was free) and immediately began searching for someone to do a photo session there! My friends had been trying to think of unique locations for family pictures this year and this seemed like a great option. The trick to getting a four year old and two year old to focus for a picture session is snacks and these two definitely enjoyed the cookies their mom brought along! Here are some of my favorites from their session :)

VanOss Family at the fair

When I asked if anyone would be interested in a mini photo session at the Hudsonville fair this year, Jess was the first one to respond yes! I last saw her and her husband Jeff in March 2020 right before Covid lock down when I took their maternity photos downtown Grand Rapiuds. It was so fun to meet their daughter Addie who was born just a few days after that photo session and also surreal to realize it has been 3 years! We managed to find a few spots at the fairgrounds that were not crowded to take pictures, and at the end they let Addie try an elephant ear (which she licked all the sugar off then asked for more)! Here are some of my favorites of the VanOss family!

Aniszko Family 2023

One of the families I get to photograph every year are the Aniszko’s! It’s been a joy to document their engagement, wedding, dog, birth of their son and now pregnancy with their daughter. After rescheduling three times we ended up doing this photo session at the end of June in their backyard. Despite the poor air quality and tight timeline Mary, Aaron, 3 year old Ian (and even the dog) were good sports and we managed to get some cute pictures! Here are some of my favorites :)

Lloyd Family

Back in 2019 I met this family at Keagan and Nicholas’ intimate wedding and it was fun to see how they have grown since then! After a week of cooler summer weather the day we chose for family photos was sunny and humid. No one complained though as we sought out what little shade we could find at Millennium Park. My favorite moment of this session was when the entire family started singing in order to get the babies to smile, not every kid’s attention can be gained that easily and I love that they all knew the trick :)