GLHS homecoming cheer

Back in October, my high school restarted the tradition of having alumni cheerleaders join the current team on the sidelines for the 3rd quarter of the football game. Since it was the same weekend as my 20 year class reunion (yes I’m that old) I decided to go and see if I still remember how to cheer! I spent the first half of the game with my camera in hand attempting to take pictures, in the dark, of motion, without a flash and it was not easy! I wish the sun stayed up longer, but I got some cute pictures during the first quarter of the little kids cheering and the second quarter of just the varsity team. Here are some of my favorites :)

Hudsonville Varsity Lacrosse 2023

I know two girls on the Hudsonville varsity lacrosse team, but due to our cold rainy spring weather the last month I have not been motivated to attend any of their games. Last Wednesday I finally made it though and had a lot of fun learning about a sport I know very little about, plus they won the game! I could tell their team works hard and has fun together because the people on the sideline had a bubble gun that they would spray on teammates as they came off the field. Full disclosure, I am not a sports photographer and I had the wrong settings on my lens for half the game, but I did get a few good shots that I wanted to share!